Basya Schechter is best known for her group, Pharaoh's Daughter, a 7 piece world music ensemble that travels effortlessly through continents, key signatures, and languages with a genre-bending sound.
Basya's earthy, soulful voice rings out over textured instrumentation that forms a vibrant collage of East and West, providing the soundtrack for a harmonious vision of creative peace and vibrant diversity.
In the summer, Basya is a the Cantor for Fire Island Synagogue, a smaller, flip flop wearing community co-led with banjo playing Rabbi, writer and scholar, Shaul Magid.
"Listening to Dumiyah in the car yesterday with a Turkish friend, such a delight — the groove, the purity, the skill — so fresh and yet so familiar as the work of the heart always is." – Leonard Cohen

Upcoming shows
Upcoming presentations in New Orleans, Colorado, and NYC